Clifford Robins
DOB 01/07/1929
Clifford's first remark when we introduced ourselves was to extol the virtues of Alexander Coutanche, the island's Bailiff. "A great man he really helped save us in many ways."
On duty the first Monday of January 1945, his first job working for the JEP, he was asked to go to College House on Mont Millais to collect the money from the Germans for the papers that had been delivered.
When he arrived the guard demanded in a booming voice "Vat ist your business?" Clifford mimicked. He quietly explained what he was their to do. He was shown upstairs and asked to wait. Eventually after a few queasy minutes he was ushered into a large room overlooking Havre Des Pas and told to take a seat.
The commander eyed him and asked speaking better English "Who do you think is going to win the war?"
"I thought for a moment and then quietly replied, "That remains to be seen." He must have thought it was a reasonable reply as he paid me the money owing. It was my first lesson in diplomacy and something I never forgot."
He talked wistfully about his mother and what a great cook she was. Making lovely dishes from scraps of food. The shared bakehouse close by in Mulcaster Street where bread, when flour was available, would be taken to be baked.
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